Add Affiliate Banners in Free Blog Blogger Make Money

Summary: By this useful article you will learn that add affiliate banners in Free Blog Blogger and make money easily and also described step by step suggestions main tips about earning money through online affiliate programs

By this tutorial you will teach that how you make money to add Affiliate Banners in free blog blogger. One of the effects that creates Blog Blogger such a huge opportunity to add advertising to your Blogger Blog and make money from it. In this article I will be displaying secretes how affiliate banners advertisements on your Blogger Blog can create money for you. Affiliate banners advertising in addition to Google Adsense that you may have already added to your Blogger blog. For information on adding Google Adsense to your Blogger Blog please read my article Make Money from Google Adsense. Now I guide you step by step following two main points advantages and disadvantages of Affiliate Banners in Free Blog Blogger.

Advantages of Affiliate Banners

1. It is no hidden that banners make money when you prefer your merchant program carefully and have enough traffic comes your Blogger Blog. In my experience once you reached around 150 visitors and above a day is a nice time to add a few banners to your Blogger Blog.

2. After having placed Affiliate Banners on your Blogger blog your Blog gets 200 visitors in a day. Out of that 200 peoples 05 peoples click on a banners which takes them through to the merchant's website. From those 05 peoples one person makes a purchase of around $200.00. Assuming your commission is 20% of the sale you have just made yourself $20.00. It's that easy.

3. Affiliate Banners make money for the publisher like you. When you place a affiliate banners on your Blogger Blog the affiliate program gives you a banners code to insert your Blogger template which creates the banners show and identifies you as the publisher. When a visitor clicks on a banner on your Blogger Blog that click is recorded as initiating from your Blog and you create money as a result of that click. That program is depending on the merchant program that you have signed up for you can earn a commission for providing a guide, or receive a percentage of the sale. Now I am giving you list of following most popular Affiliate Programs.


4. To create money from Affiliate Banners you required quantity as only a small percentage of your visitors will get any notice of the advertising on your free Blog Blogger and only a much smaller percentage of that group will in fact buy anything once they click. That's why it is really significant that you focus your energies on building blogger traffic. If you need to grow your traffic read my article use article How to drive your blogger traffic.

5. Now you require preferring your affiliate banners carefully as obviously some advertising will have more appeal than others. To some extent this is a matter of trial and error as you can never be completely sure how a banner will perform until you try it. You can increase the chances of success however, by choosing merchant programs that are related to your Blogger Blog in some ways. I advice that chose best affiliate programs from the above list.

6. Adding affiliate banners to your Blogger Blog is very easy that copy and paste stuff which anyone can do. Please read my article providing step by step instructions on How to add Affiliate Banners to the Blogger Blog. If you want to place a banner in the header of your blog please read my useful article How to add Affiliate Banners in Blogger Header .

Disadvantages of Affiliate Banners

1. Lot of Affiliate Banners can give your visitors the impression you are just in it for the money. So make sure you do not go overboard with too much advertising that will overshadow from the content of your Blogger Blog. Remember fewer is more so place your affiliate banners strategically on your Blogger Blog. I like a small cluster of about 5 banners usually 468x60 somewhere quite close to the top in the Blogger header. The header is a prime position for an effective banner advertising movement. Read more about How to assign affiliate banners in the header of Blogger blog .

2. Another actual problem with affiliate banners is that they encourage visitors to leave your Blog and as we all recognize one of the hardest jobs is to attract the visitor in the first place. Do you really want them leaving your Blogger Blog before they have had a chance to look around. I do not think so. Only place affiliate banners on your Blogger Blog that you are confident will harvest you some rewards otherwise forget it. You might actually lose traffic if you provide too many inducements to leave your Blogger Blog.

In this useful article I have described how to add affiliate banners to Blogger Blog and how you make money easily in extra time from affiliate marketing programs. If you like this article please give your comments.


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