Adding Related Blog Post Links inside Posts in Windows Live Writer

Now you can add related blog posts’ links directly inside your new post body in windows live writer. This saves you time of manually searching the posts and creating a link to it. Previously I used in google to find similar posts to link to. But now I will be using this plugin to find post to create links to from my new posts.
Tip : Moderate WordPress Blog Comments from Desktop

Find, Create Related Post Links in Windows Live Writer wrote this new plugin code which will allow you to have control over inserting related posts from your WordPress blog directly from within Windows Live Writer.
It is quite easy to use and will add directly into the post wherever the cursor is. Once configured, it can retrieve all the posts from your hosted WordPress blog and allow you to select one or more posts and inserts into the post.

Best Related Posts Widget for Blogger – Show Simlar Articles Below Blog Posts Plugin

show related posts for blogger A relatively easy method of increasing page views on your blog is to add a list of related posts below each article or displaying them in the SideBar. Now there is a Related Post Plugin for WordPress but there is no such one officially available for Blogger. So here is the Solution. This offers readers a ready-made reading list of other articles on your blog, which are of a similar theme or subject matter.

Installing Related Posts for Blogger Widget for your BlogSpot Blog


Option 1 – Add Related Posts Widget to Sidebar

Step 1. Click the button below

Step 2. Move the new sidebar widget to a position you like

The new sidebar widget will be created at top of your sidebar, you may want to move it a better place. Remember to save. Tip: You actually can drag this sidebar widget and drop onto after Blog Posts widget, then this widget will show up after comments.

Step 3. Go to one of your blog post

You have to see it in action in single post, you will not see the Related Posts list in your home page of your blog. Just randomly choose one of your blog post.

Option 2 – Add Related Posts just below your Post Content

Step 1. Go to Layout/Edit HTML/Edit Template Step 2. BACKUP your template! Do not skip this! Step 3. Check Expand Widget Templates, then Find a block like:
Step 4. Add one more line to be:
Step 5. Go to the end for:
Step 6. Add two more lines to be:

How to Add a Email Subscribe Button Below Blog Posts – Let people follow you through Feeds

Many People have Asked me this ,and today after Prateek asked “how to add
which you have added to end of your blog posts.” , I decided to Post it here.
Adding this will increase the chances of visitors to subscribe to your blog feeds hence improve your Blog Traffic.


How to Add a Email Subscribe Button Below Blog Posts - Let people 
follow you through Feeds
Step 1 : Its really simple, Just add the Following Code from the Text File given Below…
Copy The Code : EmailSubscribeButtonCode.txt – Click
Step 2 : Now look for in the template. Make sure to “Expand Widget Template” in the Edit HTML page.
Now add the code given below, just beneath
Save your Template.
Step 3 : Now in the template Look For

Writing Professional Blog Posts to Improve Content & Readership – How to be better ?

Writing Professional Blog Posts to Improve Content & 
Readership There are no hard and fast rules on how to blog. Having said that, bloggers will likely increase their exposure by following some simple blog guidelines. Well I found this great free article explaining details about writing better blog Posts & Content. This is a must read as it will help you to gain more readers by writing better content.

How to Write & Create Professional Blog Post Content that will Improve your Blog’s Fan Base & Readership ?

Blogging Tip 1 – Stay on topic.

blank-sign-doctor-on-white Opinions are generally accepted but the content of the items in the blog should all relate to a general theme. Unless you have an uncanny knack for wit, humor or cynicism, the majority of your readers will be interested in the content that relates to a specific defined theme or loosely defined area of interest. Most readers won’t care that you eat Cheerios for breakfast. They may, however, be interested in the fact that vinegar takes out stains and that toilet paper rolls make great wreaths. Define a topic and stick to it. This will ensure that you create a loyal following of interested readers.

Blogging Tip 2 – Stay informative.

businessmanIf you are attempting to create the impression that you are knowledgeable about a specific industry or sector, be sure that you stay current on news. If you are endorsing a product or voicing an opinion, be sure to check your facts; your reputation is at stake. If you are offering an opinion, be sure to qualify your post, making it clear that the content is intended as an editorial.

Blogging Tip 3 – Old news is not news.

old yesterdays-newspaper While blogging every day can be a drain, it is important that the information presented is current and accurate, writing an article or blurb about something that happened 6 months ago, will not be of interest to many. Telling your audience that Martha Stewart was convicted and will be going to prison, after her sentence is completed will make people question the value of your columns.

Blogging Tip 4 – Adhere to a schedule.

appointment-book Create a schedule and stick to it. Realizing that blogging requires time and effort, don’t create unrealistic expectations and be unable to deliver. An occasional lapse or holiday is generally understood but readers returning to find stale, out-dated content are going to find another blog with similar content. New blogs and RSS feeds are popping up on a daily basis. If you have worked hard to develop an audience and a community you don’t want to lose them due to lack of communication.

Blogging Tip 5 – Clarity and simplicity.

home-on-your-hand Keep your posts and blog entries clear and easy to understand. Remember, the web is global and expressions, idioms and acronyms don’t always translate. Sometimes a little explanation goes a long way.

Blogging Tip 6 – Keyword-rich.

businessman-with-an-empty-diagram If the goal of your blog is to increase your visibility, include related keywords in the title of the blog. Use the title as a headline to attract interest. Each item post should have a title that will attract attention but still be relevant to the post. The title should be no longer than 10-12 words.

Blogging Tip 7 – Quantity matters.

quantity is important 
trolley In order to attract the attention of search engines, you will need to develop content and substance. A headline or simple sentence is not going to generate the interest of readers or help with search engine ranking. Be sure to archive old blog posts to develop a large portal of similarly-themed content.

Blogging Tip 8 – Frequency.

traffic-light-variants If your blog content is updated frequently, search engines will tend to spider the pages at regular intervals.

Blogging Tip 9 – Spell checking and proof-reading.

chalkboard-with-book It only takes a few extra moments and can save you from having to make embarrassing explanations. Remember that whatever you publish on the Internet can be found and archived. Think carefully about what you post before doing so.

Blogging Tip 10 – RSS Blog Feeds

rss feed watermark icon RSS will increase your blog’s reach. It is important that you include your blog’s content in an RSS feed to increase readership and distribution. Most weblog audiences are small, but with time and regular updates audiences grow. Bloggers may never have more than a few hundred readers, but the people who return to regularly are generally interested in what you have to say.

Do not Stand at my Grave and Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight.
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there — I do not die.

Activation: A Process of Spiritual Awakening

Individuals experience spiritual awakening in a variety of ways. Historically it is known that an individual, like Buddha, can sit alone and obtain full realization. One can be walking down the "road to Damascus" and be struck by the power of God and realize his or her oneness with Creation. More typically, however, we experience Divine awakening through a process which includes the involvement of another human being. The focus of this discussion is about the psychological and spiritual dynamics that occur between two individuals when spiritual consciousness is first ignited. As more and more individuals become interested in spiritual practice they seek out psychotherapists who offer spiritually oriented psychotherapy, yoga teachers, and yoga therapists for support and guidance. Given the rapidly growing number of individuals looking for spiritual understanding, the interpersonal dynamics of spiritual development becomes important to understand. The power inherent in the spiritual world makes this discussion important because it is so easy to become confused, conflicted and sidetracked during the initial phase of spiritual awakening. This discussion is intended for both the individual in the throes of a spiritual unfoldment and any individual who might have served to initiate that process in another, whether he or she may be a professional psychotherapist, yoga teacher, yoga therapist or friend. The more we can understand about the nature of consciousness, the easier it is to ride with the powerful currents that are designed to transform our lives.
There are a variety of contexts in which a powerful spiritual dynamic can occur between two people. It can occur between a client and a psychotherapist, between a student and a teacher, and between two individuals apart from any defined healing or teaching relationship. I choose to call this phenomena "Activation." I like this term because unconscious shadow material, attachments, and identification with the little self, as opposed to the soul or higher self, are quickly brought to the surface. There appears to be very little written about this powerful process, although it is commonly experienced in spiritual communities and between individuals who have a desire for spiritual awakening. I suspect that professional therapists, and perhaps, even yoga therapists who are newer to spiritual phenomena and experience are less familiar with this dynamic. Understanding the nature and process of activation can be helpful for both the individual being activated and the one serving as the channel for the spiritual force.
In this discussion I am choosing to make a distinction between two important interpersonal dynamics, one being psychological in nature and the other spiritual in essence. The former is well understand as the process of "transference." This latter spiritual process is much different than transference phenomena, as classically understood in the psychoanalytic literature. I will refer to this spiritual dynamic that occurs between two individuals as "activation."
Let us begin with a clear understanding of transference. I believe it is important to consider this classical dynamic because many individuals are involved in counseling relationships that also include spiritual functions. More and more, yoga teachers are becoming "yoga therapist" a new brand of professionals who use classical yoga methods in conjunction with psychological processes. Engaging in emotional material opens the door for transference reactions to emerge. Since transference and activation are different functions, but can occur in the same context, it is important to understand them both and know the different interventions that are appropriate for each dynamic.

The Universal Healing Keys Cosmic All Is Universal Love, Cosmic Sulphur, Golden-Yellow

The Universal Healing Keys

Cosmic All Is Universal Love, Cosmic Sulphur, Golden-Yellow
Place right hand on top of the head.
Rejuvenates and releases dis-ease in the entire skeletal system;spine, hips, sacrum, neck, shoulders, arms, complexion of the skin, liver,jaundice, torpid liver, gall bladder, lower gall duct, small intestines,kidneys, bladder, and the prostate gland.
Cleanses the body of negativities, removing Energy Blocks -congestions, such as swelling in the lower limbs, varicose veins, female disorders, and cold feet.
Cosmic All Is Universal Light, Cosmic Kalinite Phosphate, Blue-Green
Place right hand on top of the head.
Rejuvenates, soothes and calms the nerves, rebuilding the whole nervous system, as well as the eyes, the sense of sight; the colon, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder and ureters.
Releases dis-ease in the eyes, ears, throat, asthma, T.B.,inflammation of the lings, mucus discharges, pneumonia, pleurisy, stomach,nervous indigestion, gall bladder, kidneys, bladder, creative organs,impurities in the blood, cramps, pains and aches in the shoulders and arms,palpitation of the heart, twitching muscles, and itching skin.
Cosmic All Is Universal Truth, Cosmic Potash, Astral White
Place right hand on top of the head.
Rebuilds, quickens, and imparts ambition to the entire lymphatic system, the conscious system, the brain and thinking faculties, circulation of the red blood, the liver and middle gall ducts, the kidneys, bladder and ureters, the small intestines, colon, sacral plexus and creative organs. The Quickness of this Key builds up Energy which is turned into heat in the body. The heat causes changes in the minerals of the body, which greatly increases their value.
With extensive use of this Healing Key, negative habits are reduced and eliminated; as is apparent overweight, caused by a sluggish lymphatic system: bloat or gases condensed and solidified in the flesh, resembling fatty condition. Cold flesh, especially on the back of the neck where deep wrinkles form, is warmed and relieved.
Cosmic All Is Universal Life, Cosmic Natural Muriate, Red
Place right hand on top of the forehead.
Gives new Life Energy to the digestive system, brain,consciousness, nerves, lymphatic system, skin, flesh, muscles, throat,eyes, ears, and all parts of the body.
Restores and regulates the memory, vision, creative and generative organs, restoring lost sex drive. Re-establishes positive thinking.
Removes the causes of anger, jealousy, deceit, colic, diarrhea,eczema, uterine infections, constipation and all irregularities of the digestive track. Stress and Energy Blocks are removed from the sacrum,lower limbs, and feet.
Cosmic All Is Universal Understanding, Cosmic Calcium Fluoride, Yellow-Green
Place thumb and finger of right hand on the bridge of nose.
Rejuvenates the consciousness, brain, pituitary and pineal glands,sinuses, adenoids, teeth, stomach and bowels.
Releases dis-ease in cases of catarrh, hay fever, swelling, ringing and itching in the ears, ulcers in the mouth, plaque, pyorrhea, toothache,pain in the jawbone; trembling of the lower limbs, congestion of the skin and sweat glands.
Cosmic All Is Universal Will, Cosmic Calcium-Lime, Gray-Blue
Place right hand on the back of head.
Rebuilds the skeletal system: all bones, skull, mastoid glands,cartilage, fibrous tissue, elastic fibers, tendons, ligaments, marrow,circulation, involuntary and sympathetic nervous system, the hair, fingernails, toe nails, the red blood, and the Will. It lubricates the joints,tendons and muscles for flexibility.
Removes and releases the cause of lame joints,pain in broken bones,arthritis, bow-legs, and paralytic conditions.
Calcium is the foundation of our skeleton. Salt and sulphur gives hardness to the bones. Silica provides the spring to prevent breakage. Live rebuilds the bones, giving strong determination or Will to the body,brain, and consciousness, supplying it with the ability to remove dis-ease and Darkness from the physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

The Universal Healing Keys

Preface to The Universal Healing Keys

In many of the keys, it states to put the right hand somewhere on the body. Although, these Keys are a powerful healing tool to share with others, this system is for working on yourself as much or more so, than on someone else. If you are working on yourself, then the circuit is complete. But, if you are working on another then it is extremely important that a circuit be complete by having both hands on the Healee. A circuit MUST be made or the Energy just doesn't *Flow*. I've worked *Intuitively* with this material for so long that I don't even think about hand placement any more, unless I'm using it as prescribed to work on myself. If I'm working on someone else, then I stand close to the person, hold my hands out to them and let my hands be drawn to the spot most needed.
The importance of hand placement was most dramatically demonstrated to me when I was age 9. My mom was giving my step dad a “treatment” on his lungs because he had Emphysema and Asthma. Although they were using the prescribed hand positions from class, nothing seemed to be happening. My mom felt guided to trade hand positions on my dad's chest and back. Almost immediately, he began to exhale. He exhaled for nearly 3!!! minutes. He turned purple!!! My mom tried to remove her hands and break the connection, but her hands were glued to his skin by a white substance that seemed to bond their skin together like super-glue!!! Then as suddenly as it started, the force altered, he was able to inhale, the white substance disappeared and her hands broke free.
The next day the same thing happened. One hand position had very little “Energy” while the other caused him to exhale until all the dead air was out of his lungs! Then he could breath freely. While it seemed that maybe this could be bad for him, in that he would almost pass out, he could breathe better after a treatment and in a few months his health improved dramatically.
Most left-handed people's polarity runs opposite of right-handed people, but, not always. For about 90 percent of the people a right-handed person's right hand would be positive (+) and a left-handed person's right hand would be negative (-). So, a left-handed person might use an opposite hand placement from a right-handed person; for starters, at least. After you become familiar with “running energy,” then I would encourage you to just be Intuitive about your hand placement.
When I first learned the Keys, my right hand was positive polarity (I'm right-handed). Then at age 12, I was involved in a freak “healing accident” in which a bolt of electrical charge passed through 5 people. I was thrown backwards several feet, crashed into a stone fireplace and came-to on the floor. After that my polarity ran backwards throughout my body!!! About 15 years ago, I went to a Polarity Therapist who helped me reverse my polarity. Now, most days, my polarity runs “normal” and some days it's flipped. On those days I'm usually more tired. Sometimes I can feel it flip. Just for a moment I feel like I'm free-falling in Space, then Gravity kicks in again - jolt. I always know when I'm flipped, because my Pendulum works backwards.
Also, I see my hands as Magnifying Glasses for the Spiritual Energy to *Flow* through and around; both hands giving. The only time I *Draw* Energy from a person is when I'm drawing excess Energy off a burn, with the Zeal Key, then I don't touch the person, either.
I feel it's extremely important that I be clear that it is not my Energy I'm giving, but Spiritual Energy from The Source. Also, that I not be attached to a certain outcome of the healing. Instead, I Pray, “Thy Will be done, Lord, not mine.”
I have learned various other healing methods, which I've incorporated into “what I do.” So, the Keys do mix and match quite well with other healing methods.
My teacher impressed upon me that the Keys actually draw the Elements from the Ethers and literally instill them into the body. This healing form works best when the hands of the “healer” are placed on the bare skin of the “healee.”
Many times the Force which comes by using the Keys makes the body of the “healee” move, stretching, bending, arching, in order to realign the skeletal structure. In this instance it is best for the “healee” to be sitting on a sturdy stool, which gives free rearrange of motion

BeSimply…Cosmic Invitation

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The perceived “storm” for some might be visible outside of oneself when one reads the paper, searches the world wide web, looks at the “news” or has a conversation with family and friends.
While, some of ‘US’ might become fixated on the outer self reflection; others are looking for stable ground while traversing their rapidly changing reality.
These two dualities are very similar, they are merely a reflection of our inner and outer worlds. We might begin to scratch our head and say, ‘What is going on here? When will things settle down?’
With a possible perception that the “problems” are greater than we can ever repair. However, it feels as if we are being handed a cosmic invitation. An invitation to expand, transform and birth a new perceived inner and outer world.
Ultimately, we are all have been invited to ‘Be’ here, right now.
With this cosmic invitation in hand, we are being afforded to first find our center, as the quickening has begun. During the remaining trimesters, we can master being at the helm as we sail across many unchartered waters. As the vista changes and our metaphorical womb expands, we are being gifted the opportunity to look beyond the “realities” that appear around ‘US’. This will require each one of us (if we so choose) to manage the gestation, labor and delivery with care.
Taking action as required, educating self along the way, keeping self nourished, well rested and making choices that benefit the whole. Just as a pregnant mother quickly learns she can no longer think only of herself. Similarly, we are rapidly learning the responsibility, the blessing, and selfless act that is required to birth transformation.
RSVP...with Presence in the Moment

Do it Yourself: 28 Great Articles For a Greener Life

environmental impact. Repairing clothes instead of buying new ones, growing your own food instead of buying it from the supermarket, or even (if you have the know-how) creating or modifying your own super-efficient transportation are all possibilities. From our friends at Treehugger and Planet Green, here are some tips to get you started on the DIY path.


Use what you already have instead of buying something new: that’s an integral part of living green. Planet Green has tons of helpful articles to help you reuse all kinds of things you’ve probably already got sitting around your house.
And they even have a handy use for all of those disposable chopsticksyou have languishing in a drawer.


Energy consumption is a somewhat controllable part of your ecological footprint. Almost all of us can reduce the amount of electricity we use or bike to work instead of driving a car, and some of us can go a step further by switching partially or completely to alternative energy. Learn all about making your own electric motorcycle, or get inspired from this solar-powered scooter or this 95 MPG modified Civic. A little closer to home, you can reduce your energy intake by making your own super-cheap solar panels or solar heaterbuild a wind turbine, or use old trash you have lying around to create an on-the-cheaprecycled solar collector or solar heater.


If you have old sweaters, t-shirts or other clothes that are just taking up room in your closet, making them over is a great way to get more life out of them and avoid the cost of replacing half of your wardrobe. You don’t need to be a sewing expert to perform surgery on your t-shirts or create a cool mash-up sweater; you just need a few supplies and some creativity.


Food you grow yourself not only tastes better; it’s better for the Earth. You can grow organic, pesticide-free produce right in your own backyard – or, if you’re yard-challenged, learn how to get started on home aquaponics or hydroponics, and in no time you’ll be growing your own delicious fruits, veggies and herbs.


Before you throw something away, look closely at it. Could it be transformed into something completely new? Even things that you were pretty sure were just garbage (or, hopefully, recyclable) can be made into surprising new items. These articles will clue you in on how to fuse plastic bags into fabric, make a tote bag or quilt squares from that plastic bag fabric, or crochet plastic bag yarn into a cool tote bag.

12 Great Articles On Life Purpose


How can we find the purpose of life? Is there a purpose, determined by divinity, that we must fulfill? Is the purpose unique to each individual?

I was intrigued by the comments left for True Life Purpose Goes Beyond The Illusion Of Self. Many of us are aware of the negative effects of not being clear about our life purpose, yet the nature of the purpose and the process of finding it seem to elude us. I have my own understanding about this (please see this page), but I’m also curious what other bloggers have to say about it. So I looked around, and found these 10 excellent articles.  (Photo by paulaloe)
Here is a list, with quotes from each post, by the order I personally journeyed through. Explore!
1. Living A Divinely Guided Life, by Andrea at Empowered Soul
There is nothing we’re “supposed to” do in this lifetime. . . Our Higher Self has but one agenda: to grow and learn through the opportunity of this physical incarnation.
How do we find our purpose? I believe we already know, somewhere in the back of our heads. It has just been obscured by our fears, our wanting of approval, the conflicting advice from society, our teachers, parents, television – all these forces, pulling us in all these directions!
3. 10 Steps To Discover Your Life’s Purpose, by Tupelo at TupeloKenyon. Com
. . . an understanding of life’s purpose could be a moving target – it could evolve through the years. . . (after realizing the purpose), it took twelve years for me to answer the question, “Oh yeah, how?” Your situation may come together much quicker. When it does, it’s a great feeling – no it’s better than that, it’s one of life’s greatest feelings.
4. How NOT to Find Yourself, by Peter at I Will Change Your Life
. . .by “finding yourself” I mean the search one undergoes for their true beliefs, values, and purpose in life. . . I now believe that it is not so much the activity that you do, it is the level of consciousness you bring to it, that determines its value in finding yourself.
Everyone has something lying dormant within them that stands to come alive and wreak havoc upon the world in beautiful ways.
6. How to Live a Life of Purpose, by Alex at The Next 45 Years
When your life’s purpose is powered by passion, you are able to stay on course even when you experience obstacles and setbacks. Purpose is the engine that moves you forward in life; passion is the fuel for the engine.
(Napoleon) Hill makes a brutal assessment in his book: in his experience, 98 out of 100 people lacked a well-defined purpose in life. . . I have no purpose that drives me to achieve other than vague ideas to accumulate enough wealth to enjoy financial freedom and “do what I want to.”
8. Am I spiritually awakened? How do I know? What are Signs?, by Evans at Live Strong, Love Unconditionally
Not everyone is spiritually awakened or aware of the highest purpose of life or the highest purpose of self in life. As we continue mundane tasks on a daily basis without question, any attempt to resist dogma usually comes with disapproval. However, for those that have managed to break free from monotony and dared to question with absolutely no fear, it will be to no surprise that answers are available.
9. My Life Purpose, by the author of Searching Myself
What we all say our life purpose is, is that part of the agenda in which we can do something for humanity. It has to be with what you like most, your inner talents, those things that bring you joy.
10 What’s Your Mission, by Cali at Lead The Life
Why do so many things get in the way of your mission? Ultimately it is the work of the small ego. . . It doesn’t want you to connect with your soul and carry out your life purpose.
Last but not least, check out Todd’s How To Find Your True Purpose at We The Change that prompted me to write the aforementioned article.
This has been a good learning experience for me. I plan to do a follow up in a few months time, so let me know what you think about this topic of life purpose, and what questions you many have.
Thank you for all the great writers here for sharing their thoughts on this important topic.
Thanks to Alex for including this post in Personal Development Carnival.

Kensington Palace

Kensington Palace
Kensington Palace, former royal palace on the west side of Kensington Gardens in London, England. The palace, which incorporates a part of the older Nottingham House (built before 1661), was constructed in two phases. The architect Christopher Wren built part of the structure for William III and Mary II, then joint rulers of England, between 1689 (the year that William purchased the Nottingham House) and 1695. The second part, built for King George I, was constructed between 1718 and 1726 by English architect and landscape designer William Kent. Of particular interest are Queen Mary’s Gallery, Queen Caroline’s Drawing Room, Queen Victoria’s Bedroom, the King’s Gallery, and the Grand Staircase, the last two designed by Wren. The King’s Gallery has carved oak cornices and doors fashioned by the English sculptor Grinling Gibbons and a ceiling painted by Kent. Queen Victoria was born in the palace, which, adjacent to Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park, resides in the most fashionable part of London.


I have seen that may bloggers are using free articles on their blogs. By free articles, here I mean the reprintable articles that different article directories and e-zines publishes. The reason of using free articles in blog posts, may vary from blogger to blogger. But, I am sure that one main reason is content. But, do you think that it is a good strategy to publish free articles, specially when you intend to make some money with your blog?
In my view, you must think twice before publishing free articles on your blog! Why? Free articles do supplies content, attracts search engines and blog visitors. And probably you will get one or two customers out of those visitors. But, if you look for long term benefits, you will get noting but problems from those articles. Still not getting my points? Let me elaborate how free articles on your blog can ruin your quest for making money online.
Poor Search Engine Ranking:
Search Engine Ranking
Search Engine Ranking
Search engines visits blogs and websites for fresh contents and keeps an record of each and every webpage they visit. When they finds same duplicated content in multiple webpages, they simply drops the rankings of those pages. Even search engines like Google can penalize your blog for too many duplicate contents.
So, with free articles posted as it-is on your blog, you will never be able to get good position in search engine result pages, because those article are already on multiple websites. Thanks to killer article marketing techniques and article distribution services!
And good search engine rankings are essential in getting visitors to your site so that they click on your affiliate links to buy a product or service recommended by you. Bad search engine rankings means lesser organic traffic and lesser traffic means less revenue. When you cannot even get visitors to your webpages with affiliate links, how can you expect to earn some revenue from your affiliate links?
Loss of Credibility and Authority:
No Authority!
No Authority, No Click!
Let us assume that you are getting some visitors to your blog posts, even though you have duplicate content on your blog. Don’t be happy my friend, because this is only half of the battle. The most important part is convincing your visitors to click on your affiliate links and to make them buy the product/service that you are promoting.
When visitors comes to your blog and see the same content that they have seen on a number of other sites, they will be least likely to click on the links provided by you. Why? This is because your visitors are human like you and me and they love to buy things that are recommended by people that they trust or whom they consider as an authority on the subject.
When your visitors realize that you are using duplicate content on your blog, the first thing that comes to their mind is that you are not an expert or you don’t know anything about the topic. And that’s why you are using duplicated content. Therefore they will never consider you as an authority person and will not even look on your product recommendations.
So, the ultimate loss is yours. This will reduce the number of visitors who will be willing to click through your recommended links. And lower click through always reduces the chances of better revenue. I’m sure that you know it!
Loss of Valuable Traffic:
Loss of Traffic
Loss Your Valuable Traffic
Most of the free articles carries one or two lines about the author with one or two links provided by the author. We call it author resource box or author bio-box or whatever. When you use a free article, you must follow the rules specified by the content provider and keep the resource box intact.
This poses a great problem for you! Because most author resource box includes links. After reading a really intriguing article on your blog, there is a strong possibility that your readers will click on the author’s link rather than the affiliate links provided by you.
In fact, this is the main reason why authors offer free content for republishing and it is called article marketing. So, by publishing free content on your blog, you are helping those authors to generate traffic, sales and credibility! And in return, you are getting nothing but a big zero.
When you will put all the above points together, the picture will become clear! By publishing free articles on your blog, you will loss search engine ranking, you will loss your credibility as an authority person and you will loss your valuable prospects. Ultimately you will loss revenue, that you could have easily earned by not using free articles. So, if you are serious about blogging and want to make money online with your blog, write your own content. Spending some hours every day on writing or hire a good writer to produce some good content on your behalf. Remember: “In Blogging, Content is King”.

The Art Of Living


                               Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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