12 Great Articles On Life Purpose


How can we find the purpose of life? Is there a purpose, determined by divinity, that we must fulfill? Is the purpose unique to each individual?

I was intrigued by the comments left for True Life Purpose Goes Beyond The Illusion Of Self. Many of us are aware of the negative effects of not being clear about our life purpose, yet the nature of the purpose and the process of finding it seem to elude us. I have my own understanding about this (please see this page), but I’m also curious what other bloggers have to say about it. So I looked around, and found these 10 excellent articles.  (Photo by paulaloe)
Here is a list, with quotes from each post, by the order I personally journeyed through. Explore!
1. Living A Divinely Guided Life, by Andrea at Empowered Soul
There is nothing we’re “supposed to” do in this lifetime. . . Our Higher Self has but one agenda: to grow and learn through the opportunity of this physical incarnation.
How do we find our purpose? I believe we already know, somewhere in the back of our heads. It has just been obscured by our fears, our wanting of approval, the conflicting advice from society, our teachers, parents, television – all these forces, pulling us in all these directions!
3. 10 Steps To Discover Your Life’s Purpose, by Tupelo at TupeloKenyon. Com
. . . an understanding of life’s purpose could be a moving target – it could evolve through the years. . . (after realizing the purpose), it took twelve years for me to answer the question, “Oh yeah, how?” Your situation may come together much quicker. When it does, it’s a great feeling – no it’s better than that, it’s one of life’s greatest feelings.
4. How NOT to Find Yourself, by Peter at I Will Change Your Life
. . .by “finding yourself” I mean the search one undergoes for their true beliefs, values, and purpose in life. . . I now believe that it is not so much the activity that you do, it is the level of consciousness you bring to it, that determines its value in finding yourself.
Everyone has something lying dormant within them that stands to come alive and wreak havoc upon the world in beautiful ways.
6. How to Live a Life of Purpose, by Alex at The Next 45 Years
When your life’s purpose is powered by passion, you are able to stay on course even when you experience obstacles and setbacks. Purpose is the engine that moves you forward in life; passion is the fuel for the engine.
(Napoleon) Hill makes a brutal assessment in his book: in his experience, 98 out of 100 people lacked a well-defined purpose in life. . . I have no purpose that drives me to achieve other than vague ideas to accumulate enough wealth to enjoy financial freedom and “do what I want to.”
8. Am I spiritually awakened? How do I know? What are Signs?, by Evans at Live Strong, Love Unconditionally
Not everyone is spiritually awakened or aware of the highest purpose of life or the highest purpose of self in life. As we continue mundane tasks on a daily basis without question, any attempt to resist dogma usually comes with disapproval. However, for those that have managed to break free from monotony and dared to question with absolutely no fear, it will be to no surprise that answers are available.
9. My Life Purpose, by the author of Searching Myself
What we all say our life purpose is, is that part of the agenda in which we can do something for humanity. It has to be with what you like most, your inner talents, those things that bring you joy.
10 What’s Your Mission, by Cali at Lead The Life
Why do so many things get in the way of your mission? Ultimately it is the work of the small ego. . . It doesn’t want you to connect with your soul and carry out your life purpose.
Last but not least, check out Todd’s How To Find Your True Purpose at We The Change that prompted me to write the aforementioned article.
This has been a good learning experience for me. I plan to do a follow up in a few months time, so let me know what you think about this topic of life purpose, and what questions you many have.
Thank you for all the great writers here for sharing their thoughts on this important topic.
Thanks to Alex for including this post in Personal Development Carnival.


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