The Universal Healing Keys

Preface to The Universal Healing Keys

In many of the keys, it states to put the right hand somewhere on the body. Although, these Keys are a powerful healing tool to share with others, this system is for working on yourself as much or more so, than on someone else. If you are working on yourself, then the circuit is complete. But, if you are working on another then it is extremely important that a circuit be complete by having both hands on the Healee. A circuit MUST be made or the Energy just doesn't *Flow*. I've worked *Intuitively* with this material for so long that I don't even think about hand placement any more, unless I'm using it as prescribed to work on myself. If I'm working on someone else, then I stand close to the person, hold my hands out to them and let my hands be drawn to the spot most needed.
The importance of hand placement was most dramatically demonstrated to me when I was age 9. My mom was giving my step dad a “treatment” on his lungs because he had Emphysema and Asthma. Although they were using the prescribed hand positions from class, nothing seemed to be happening. My mom felt guided to trade hand positions on my dad's chest and back. Almost immediately, he began to exhale. He exhaled for nearly 3!!! minutes. He turned purple!!! My mom tried to remove her hands and break the connection, but her hands were glued to his skin by a white substance that seemed to bond their skin together like super-glue!!! Then as suddenly as it started, the force altered, he was able to inhale, the white substance disappeared and her hands broke free.
The next day the same thing happened. One hand position had very little “Energy” while the other caused him to exhale until all the dead air was out of his lungs! Then he could breath freely. While it seemed that maybe this could be bad for him, in that he would almost pass out, he could breathe better after a treatment and in a few months his health improved dramatically.
Most left-handed people's polarity runs opposite of right-handed people, but, not always. For about 90 percent of the people a right-handed person's right hand would be positive (+) and a left-handed person's right hand would be negative (-). So, a left-handed person might use an opposite hand placement from a right-handed person; for starters, at least. After you become familiar with “running energy,” then I would encourage you to just be Intuitive about your hand placement.
When I first learned the Keys, my right hand was positive polarity (I'm right-handed). Then at age 12, I was involved in a freak “healing accident” in which a bolt of electrical charge passed through 5 people. I was thrown backwards several feet, crashed into a stone fireplace and came-to on the floor. After that my polarity ran backwards throughout my body!!! About 15 years ago, I went to a Polarity Therapist who helped me reverse my polarity. Now, most days, my polarity runs “normal” and some days it's flipped. On those days I'm usually more tired. Sometimes I can feel it flip. Just for a moment I feel like I'm free-falling in Space, then Gravity kicks in again - jolt. I always know when I'm flipped, because my Pendulum works backwards.
Also, I see my hands as Magnifying Glasses for the Spiritual Energy to *Flow* through and around; both hands giving. The only time I *Draw* Energy from a person is when I'm drawing excess Energy off a burn, with the Zeal Key, then I don't touch the person, either.
I feel it's extremely important that I be clear that it is not my Energy I'm giving, but Spiritual Energy from The Source. Also, that I not be attached to a certain outcome of the healing. Instead, I Pray, “Thy Will be done, Lord, not mine.”
I have learned various other healing methods, which I've incorporated into “what I do.” So, the Keys do mix and match quite well with other healing methods.
My teacher impressed upon me that the Keys actually draw the Elements from the Ethers and literally instill them into the body. This healing form works best when the hands of the “healer” are placed on the bare skin of the “healee.”
Many times the Force which comes by using the Keys makes the body of the “healee” move, stretching, bending, arching, in order to realign the skeletal structure. In this instance it is best for the “healee” to be sitting on a sturdy stool, which gives free rearrange of motion


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