Best Related Posts Widget for Blogger – Show Simlar Articles Below Blog Posts Plugin

show related posts for blogger A relatively easy method of increasing page views on your blog is to add a list of related posts below each article or displaying them in the SideBar. Now there is a Related Post Plugin for WordPress but there is no such one officially available for Blogger. So here is the Solution. This offers readers a ready-made reading list of other articles on your blog, which are of a similar theme or subject matter.

Installing Related Posts for Blogger Widget for your BlogSpot Blog


Option 1 – Add Related Posts Widget to Sidebar

Step 1. Click the button below

Step 2. Move the new sidebar widget to a position you like

The new sidebar widget will be created at top of your sidebar, you may want to move it a better place. Remember to save. Tip: You actually can drag this sidebar widget and drop onto after Blog Posts widget, then this widget will show up after comments.

Step 3. Go to one of your blog post

You have to see it in action in single post, you will not see the Related Posts list in your home page of your blog. Just randomly choose one of your blog post.

Option 2 – Add Related Posts just below your Post Content

Step 1. Go to Layout/Edit HTML/Edit Template Step 2. BACKUP your template! Do not skip this! Step 3. Check Expand Widget Templates, then Find a block like:
Step 4. Add one more line to be:
Step 5. Go to the end for:
Step 6. Add two more lines to be:


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