The Universal Healing Keys Cosmic All Is Universal Love, Cosmic Sulphur, Golden-Yellow

The Universal Healing Keys

Cosmic All Is Universal Love, Cosmic Sulphur, Golden-Yellow
Place right hand on top of the head.
Rejuvenates and releases dis-ease in the entire skeletal system;spine, hips, sacrum, neck, shoulders, arms, complexion of the skin, liver,jaundice, torpid liver, gall bladder, lower gall duct, small intestines,kidneys, bladder, and the prostate gland.
Cleanses the body of negativities, removing Energy Blocks -congestions, such as swelling in the lower limbs, varicose veins, female disorders, and cold feet.
Cosmic All Is Universal Light, Cosmic Kalinite Phosphate, Blue-Green
Place right hand on top of the head.
Rejuvenates, soothes and calms the nerves, rebuilding the whole nervous system, as well as the eyes, the sense of sight; the colon, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder and ureters.
Releases dis-ease in the eyes, ears, throat, asthma, T.B.,inflammation of the lings, mucus discharges, pneumonia, pleurisy, stomach,nervous indigestion, gall bladder, kidneys, bladder, creative organs,impurities in the blood, cramps, pains and aches in the shoulders and arms,palpitation of the heart, twitching muscles, and itching skin.
Cosmic All Is Universal Truth, Cosmic Potash, Astral White
Place right hand on top of the head.
Rebuilds, quickens, and imparts ambition to the entire lymphatic system, the conscious system, the brain and thinking faculties, circulation of the red blood, the liver and middle gall ducts, the kidneys, bladder and ureters, the small intestines, colon, sacral plexus and creative organs. The Quickness of this Key builds up Energy which is turned into heat in the body. The heat causes changes in the minerals of the body, which greatly increases their value.
With extensive use of this Healing Key, negative habits are reduced and eliminated; as is apparent overweight, caused by a sluggish lymphatic system: bloat or gases condensed and solidified in the flesh, resembling fatty condition. Cold flesh, especially on the back of the neck where deep wrinkles form, is warmed and relieved.
Cosmic All Is Universal Life, Cosmic Natural Muriate, Red
Place right hand on top of the forehead.
Gives new Life Energy to the digestive system, brain,consciousness, nerves, lymphatic system, skin, flesh, muscles, throat,eyes, ears, and all parts of the body.
Restores and regulates the memory, vision, creative and generative organs, restoring lost sex drive. Re-establishes positive thinking.
Removes the causes of anger, jealousy, deceit, colic, diarrhea,eczema, uterine infections, constipation and all irregularities of the digestive track. Stress and Energy Blocks are removed from the sacrum,lower limbs, and feet.
Cosmic All Is Universal Understanding, Cosmic Calcium Fluoride, Yellow-Green
Place thumb and finger of right hand on the bridge of nose.
Rejuvenates the consciousness, brain, pituitary and pineal glands,sinuses, adenoids, teeth, stomach and bowels.
Releases dis-ease in cases of catarrh, hay fever, swelling, ringing and itching in the ears, ulcers in the mouth, plaque, pyorrhea, toothache,pain in the jawbone; trembling of the lower limbs, congestion of the skin and sweat glands.
Cosmic All Is Universal Will, Cosmic Calcium-Lime, Gray-Blue
Place right hand on the back of head.
Rebuilds the skeletal system: all bones, skull, mastoid glands,cartilage, fibrous tissue, elastic fibers, tendons, ligaments, marrow,circulation, involuntary and sympathetic nervous system, the hair, fingernails, toe nails, the red blood, and the Will. It lubricates the joints,tendons and muscles for flexibility.
Removes and releases the cause of lame joints,pain in broken bones,arthritis, bow-legs, and paralytic conditions.
Calcium is the foundation of our skeleton. Salt and sulphur gives hardness to the bones. Silica provides the spring to prevent breakage. Live rebuilds the bones, giving strong determination or Will to the body,brain, and consciousness, supplying it with the ability to remove dis-ease and Darkness from the physical, mental, and emotional bodies.


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